Do you want to play Rugby League and represent the Roosters in 2016? The Eastern Suburbs District junior league teams the Clovelly Crocodiles, Bondi United, St Charles & the Paddington Colts are looking for new players in 2016 and it’s now your chance to sign up with registration days coming up in the next few weeks.
Playing junior league is a great way of keeping fit and active as well as meeting new friends.
Every child who signs up to play for one of our Eastern Suburbs District junior league clubs receives a Sydney Roosters Chookster Membership for 2016 worth $59.95 as part of their registration.
2016 Eastern Suburbs Junior District Junior League Club Registration Days:
Clovelly Crocodiles
Date: Thursday 11th February
Time: 4 pm – 6 pm
Venue: Burrows Park, Ocean St , Clovelly
( If raining check Clovelly Bowling Club)
Ages: U5 to Opens
Contact: Andrew Monaghan 0419 298741
Email Address: clovellycrocs@iinet.com.au
Website: www.clovellycrocodiles.com.au
A Come And Try Clinic is available on the day for anyone new to league to learn the fundamental skills of the game
Bondi United
Date: Sunday 14th February
Time: 12pm - 4pm
Venue: Waverley Oval, Bondi Oval, Waverley
Ages: U5 to Opens
Contact: Kerry Mortimer`0415 564 354
Email Address: kerrymor@tpg.com.au
Website: www.bondiunited.org.au
St Charles
Date: Friday 19th February
Time: 4pm - 5:15pm
Venue: Waverley College Training Grounds , Northern end Queens Park corner Darley and Carrington roads, Waverley
Contact: Larry Raftery 0408415673
Email Address: lazbch@bigpond.net.au
Website: www.stcharles.leaguenet.com.au
Paddington Colts
Date: Friday 19th February
Time: 4pm – 6pm
Venue: Woollahra Golf club
Ages: Under 5’s to Opens
Contact: Steven Seabrook
Email: info@paddingtoncolts.com.au