Sydney Roosters NRL and NRLW players have visited schools across the Central Coast and Eastern Suburbs as part of the Annual Community Carnival to deliver the Rugby League Inspire message of Respect.
Players alongside Roosters and NRL Game Development Officers have engaged with 31 schools and over 7,000 students across the two regions over three days delivering the League Stars Inspire Respect program.
The League Stars Inspire Respect program is a new primary school resource that has been developed to use the game of rugby league to deliver key messages of respecting oneself, others and what it means to develop and maintain respectful relationships.

The program provides players with opportunities to share their personal experiences of how they show self- respect, respect to others and how positive relationships create value in their lives.
Rooster Lindsay Collins spoke to students about showing respect to yourself and others, “I show respect to myself by ensuring I always have a good night’s rest, eat healthy food, and drink at least a few litres of water a day”
He added, “We demonstrate respectful behaviours every day at the Roosters, by shaking the hands of my teammates when I greet them and by treating others the way you want to be treated.”

Principal Nicole Jones from McAuley Catholic Primary School -Rose Bay stated, “It was fantastic. The presenters were engaging and really lovely. The students were all on task and have taken a lot away in regards to what they heard today. And the prizes for the best answers were definitely a hit!”
Jamie Stephen from Brooke Avenue Public School says “The program that was delivered at our school was brilliant. The presentation was one of the most professional I have seen; the presenter engaged the kids in all aspects of the presentation and the content was right at the student’s level. I would certainly recommend this to other schools.”

The Sydney Roosters would like to thank all the schools that participated in the 2020 Community Carnival and we hope to grow this event again in 2021.